Friday, February 6, 2009

This Morning,

I have done 3 loads of laundry, had a discussion about possibly selling our house and moving to a cheaper one, emptied the dishwasher, made 4 lunches, supervised 4 breakfasts, fed 2 dogs, mopped muddy footprints off of the kitchen floor-- twice, administered first-aid to a wound,  returned 3 e-mails, given a spelling test, reviewed the systems of the human body, signed 2 homework papers, filled out a reading log, had 3 cups of coffee, found a missing pair of glasses, decided what I was making for dinner, dropped off 3 kids at school, put 4 yr old in front of Spongebob, wrote this blog entry, looked at crackbook, I mean Facebook, commented on Zoey's blog.... all before 8 o'clock.  Happy Friday to me, hopefully Nick can make it through the day without some interesting behavioral issues. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Yesterday he told me "You are ruining my life." What 4 year old says that?  He cracks me up!!


Anonymous said...

your mornings sound like mine! i feel like i've lived an entire day before 8 a.m.

your nick sounds like he has a great sense of humor! :)

Christy said...

sounds like my life on a daily basis! no wonder i am so glad it's friday!

steffany said...

yep, a typical day of a rockin mom!