Thursday, May 21, 2009


I have not had much to blog about lately.  We have been doing some fun stuff, but for some reason I have not had the energy to get it on the boring blog.  
Here are some highlights:

Baseball Season: Over, No All-Stars this year (not a great season, performance-wise) for Tony.  He had a blast, though. Nicholas learned how to spit sunflower seeds. The famous Nick quote from Baseball Season this year "Mom-3 mens teached me how to spat seed flower suns.  You buy them, then you spit them out!"  I was ever so thankful to 3 of our team dads who got never ending joy out of watching a 4 year-old spit sunflower seeds.

Basketball Travel Team: Going Strong, they actually came in second place at a tournament and got their first trophy.  It was about 3 inches tall.

Gymnastics: In full swing, One level 6 competition down and 1 to go. She qualified to move up to level 7.  Which is called "optionals."  This, I am told, is when it gets really fun.  She still lives and breathes gymnastics.

Softball: Done.  Soph got an award for best Team-Player!  So cute to watch a bunch of 6 and 7 year olds play softball. 

Pre-School: Still having some issues, Nick called several of his classmates "losers," punched his best friend and pushed a little kid, all in one day. We are working on anger issues daily.  2 steps forward, 1 step back.

I had the chance to go to San Diego and meet up with a bunch of my college friends this past weekend.  We all re-connected courtesy of Facebook.  It was really a lot of fun.  We visited a lot of our old hang-outs, ate and drank way too much, and acted like crazy college students.  

I will try to post some photos....not much motivation.  My friend says I need to go on Lexipro!  LOL!!!  

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

This is my Mom and my Mother-in-Law on Mother's Day.