Saturday, November 22, 2008


We went to Mass tonite.  We usually do not go on Saturday nights.  A very quiet Mass, not the spot for 4 kids who are hungry, tired, out of sorts, not used to this routine. We usually go on Sundays with most of the other families.  Well, for those of you who are not used to this kind of thing.... During Mass, we all go to the altar to receive the Body and Blood of Christ.  Kids who have not yet received their First Holy Communion or those from different faiths, still go to the table with their hands crossed  across their chests to receive a blessing.  Nick (and Sophie) know to do this.  Tonite, I was directly behind Nick as he received his blessing and I received the Sacrament....Nick, who hates to feel like he is missing anything said in a very loud voice "YUM!!!" as I received the Body.  Oh my! It hit me like a ton of bricks!  This kid is voicing what we should all feel. That feeling that we are getting something special, something we have been waiting for. YUM!!  Something delicious. Something spectacular. This communion that we have been waiting all week to enjoy.  I love these lightbulb moments!  Happy Thanksgiving!!


Annie said...

How cool! I have one now who is distinctly "anti-religion" and it is SO hard for me. All the other children have been very open spiritually.

junglemama said...

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!