Thursday, November 6, 2008

Need I Say More?


Annie said...

No problem using the graphic - I just borrowed it from somewhere. Boy, I can't agree more.

I am SO glad I didn't have a problem like yours in Russia! Wow. I hate to think how you explained this to the driver so he could help you!

Anonymous said...

i'm glad you bloglifted the graphic. it's a good one!

Christy and Kevin said...

Laughing out loud here!! I feel the same way.

Way to go!!


Chris Haven said...

Hi Kelly, so the social worker was visiting for your last report or because you are updating your homestudy for another adoption? Thank you for writing about your youngest son's attachment,it is encouraging and realistic for those who are adopting. As you know we are at a stand still because of my complicated life. Keep us posted about any changes in the adoption front for you.

Wednesday Winer said...

you betcha!