Friday, June 27, 2008

6 word Meme

So.....I got tagged by a blogging friend,  i am not quite sure how all of this works because i am new to this blogging thing.  I was supposed to pick six words to describe my life.  Everyone else who has done this has seemed so eloquent.  My assignment was to summarize my life in 6 words.  It was impossible for me.  Here is the best I can do: I made a few attempts.  i worked on it for at least three days.   Here Goes... I will not tag anyone since I rarely have anyone who reads my blog.  I hope I do not mess the whole thing up.

Family means the world to me
Never know what I'll do next
*Usually* take the road most traveled
Love to drink wine with friends
Pissed off some of the time
Living for the next big vacation
Leading by example, God help me
Desperately hoping to adopt once again
Trying to be what God wants
Sometimes guilty for things done wrong
Trying but failing to be Supermom
Plugging along at my own speed

**Thankful for the life I have**

Take it or leave it, this is all I have.


Ginny said...

Those are all great! I did the same thing-made a list of lots of possibilities. I decided that I shouldn't go with, "I love cats, I love dogs."

Annie said...

Hi! I feel that no one reads my blog much, either, so I'll read yours! We have adopted from Russia, too...and "Desperately hoping to adopt once again" is a wonderful set of six words! They work for me (though I already have four from Russia).

If you are really interested, our agency is absolutely the best and very inexpensive. This is a mission for her. She is just about to send out some photos of available children. I can let you know more, if you want.

I love that you included all your initial considerations.

Wednesday Winer said...

i am proud of you no matter what happens - not many people can do what you have already done.
what is tagging? i don't even know and i have a blog.

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT... ALL of em.