Saturday, January 24, 2009

Oh Dear!!

Nick decided to throw sand on a classmate, hide from his teacher, spit at his teacher (raspberries-not a full-on loogie) kick sand at his teacher, and call her a "punk."   Happy Friday to me!! Thankfully he did not call her a "frickin' idiot"...that was last month.
His teacher says he has "anger issues."   Lord, help me!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


We got a new little family member today.  We did not think Big Dad would like her, but thankfully he does.  They think she is about 3 months old.  Super cute.  I think she will fit in with the rest of the crew just fine!!  She is a little poodle-rescue puppy.  The rescue group named her Noel, they said they found her wandering the streets of L.A. on Christmas.  We changed her name to Sunny. We thought that sounded good with Luna (our other doggie.)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Two (Too) Funnies!!

First: My Mom (Grandma Donut) has Leukemia and has been going through chemo for the last few months.  Since she has been on chemo, she is bald.  Well, she was visiting this weekend and Nicholas was hanging out while she was getting ready to go out.  Grandma was wearing a hat and needed to change into her wig.  As soon as Grandma took off the hat to put on the wig, Nick said "Wow...Grandma's a Boy!!"  My mom thought this was hilarious.  So did we.

Second:  While in the car, from the backseat, I hear:

Sophie: Mom, what are Buppies?
Me:  I don't know, what do you mean? Buppies?
Sophie: You know that song This Land is your Land, This Land is My Land, (starts singing) As I was walking a ribbon of highway I saw a endless skyway.

We had to explain that there were no Buppies, too bad.  I think Buppies sound much more interesting.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Sophie!!

Our sweet girl turned seven this week.  She had a very special day.  She got her ears pierced, then spent her birthday money from Grandma and Grandpa on a Monkey from Build-a-Bear.
Then out to dinner with the neighbors.  Yummy Cheesecake Factory!!  It was great!