First of all, the night of the first mandatory training session, I have a conflict. I need to be in several different places at once. I went around and around trying to figure out how I will register Sophie for Faith Formation class which she needs to make her First Communion, pick Tony up from football practice, pick Claire up from gym, feed everyone and attend a 3 hour training session all at the same time on the same day while dragging Nick and Sophie along for the ride. Impossible. That was the first obstacle...not huge and certainly I can call in the reinforcements. but do I want to? No.
Second, one night last week we were blessed by the opportunity to babysit the adorable 16 month old daughter of a friend. We jumped at the chance to have a little one in the house, even for just for a few hours. She is a doll. Well....I had forgotten how all-encompassing a toddler can be. Nicholas in turn became loud, whiny, demanding and needy. He kept trying to divert his sisters' attention to him and pretty much ignored the little girl and me. Not a desirable response on his part at all. Marty and Tony came home from football practice wondering where was dinner. Dinner?? How could I finish making dinner while entertaining a toddler and a needy 4 yr. old? I used to do it all of the time, but I am seriously out of practice. I should add that during the babysitting time, Claire dropped a glass bowl on the kitchen floor which shattered in a million pieces sending shards of glass flying everywhere. Not a big deal but with a barely walking toddler in the house. uh oh!! This reminded me that we would have to put baby locks on all of the lower cabinets and re-arrange everything just to be on the safe side. The girls took her outside while I cleaned up the glass and had to watch her like hawks around the pool. Another issue to worry about.
The most serious and really what made up our minds was a recent change in Nicholas' behavior. We know he has some obstacles to overcome. He is impulsive and has some anger issues. He is super smart but just reacts to things differently and is quite unpredictable. With school starting for the 3 oldest, Nick's behavior took a nose dive. He did a lot of crazy things that I have not seen him do in a long time. He always acts up at the change of our schedule. This time was a doozy. Horrible behavior all week! Behavior which demonstrated that he still needs my full attention. I think it would be too rough on him all around. Yesterday we all spent an hour cleaning the girls' room carpet after he drew all over it with a purple marker. Not just small marks but huge hula hoop sized circles on every spot of exposed carpet. This was just one example of the stuff this kid did last week. Hopefully it will not last too long. He starts school next Wednesday. Then he will be on a regular schedule, too. God Bless his new teacher!!! (She will need it.)
I have also had the flu since Friday and we killed another rattlesnake in the yard, this time he had the balls to be hanging out in a planter right next to the pool. Not big deals, but I'm just sayin'.....
See what I'm getting at? Clarity with a capital "C."